Happy Federal Day!
Born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, I have an affinity towards cities. especially those that can be traveled by foot. And Kuala Lumpur is pretty high up there.
In honor of Federal Day — a day dedicated to Federal Territories, I spent my day on foot and public transport today, visiting colonial remains at the heart of Malaysia. I still drove though. I found it is economical to drive my way into Nu Sentral and worked my way trough.
From KL Sentral, I took LRT to Central Market, an establishment thrives since 1888 (What a year, the Chinese must have liked it). Then I went to the clearly opposite direction of what I supposed to since the covered pedestrian way is closed.
At this point I realized I was heading in the wrong direction, then I turned back, passing Masjid Negara to Dataran Merdeka. My observation, we are still long way to make KL a walkable city, with constructions blocking pedestrian way.
Then, Zuhur at Masjid Jamek.
Then a shortcut trough Jalan Melayu to Sogo.
As I walked towards Sogo, I could see that KL is recovering. Seas of cars and families roaming around, shopping. And among those, are the employees, the beggars who try to eke out for a day’s worth.
Truly, happy 50th Kuala Lumpur!