30-Minutes Challenge
…and some updates on [my] life
I promised to myself that I will spend at least 30 minutes everyday writing on Medium.
This year has been challenging to me. Wait, I took it back. I seldom put year or months as milestone in my life, since there hardly any. Allow me to rephrase. Since I was posted in my current workplace, this has been challenging.
I live with my parents now, something that I haven’t done for at least 14 years. I was in boarding school for five years, then college for another five years, a one-year hiatus since I work/study near my parents’ house, then two years in Kuala Lumpur.
Japanese sociologist has an interesting term for people like me. A millennial professional who live with their parents to achieve cheaper work-life arrangement: parasaito shinguru or parasite single.
Ouch. But cut me some slack. Of course living with your parents may sacrifice some of your privacy but I am not one who will bring partner home. I am unmarried (not yet married — and you’ll be surprised that there are married people who live with their well-off parents too), my place of work is relatively near to my parents’ home and most importantly, my parents don’t mind.
Coming back to my work, I have this simple work ethics: namely, DO YOUR WORK. And I am surprised not many have those kind of mindset while doing their work, regardless of what excuses they have to justify. Naturally, over time when you deliver, your bosses started to notice and give your more responsibilities. Some would take advantages too — and this is what I hate so much. I want to be good at my job which I consider a long-term career now, but I don’t want to be a pushover.
I have some initiatives that I want to push through but I can’t — or won’t since the hierarchy and segregation of tasks constrain me to do so.
It’s hard to strike a balance in my current environment. I want to do a good job, without be a pushover. I want to be proactive, without crossing anyone while I am doing it.
I am now have become a defeated idealist. That I sought for meaningless contempt and grow complacent over time.
This has to stop. So I guess this writing exercise is one of the ways I should explore to you know, at least consoling myself that I can do productive work that is beyond my job. Some project that I could distract myself with from the mundane and complacent 9-to-5 job (actually, my working hours are more to 8.30–6.00, but who’s counting).
Wait, am I whining?